Nysc new allowance

The National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) allowance is a monthly stipend paid to corps members during their service year. The allowance is designed to cater to their basic needs and expenses during their service year.

As of 2022, the NYSC allowance is N33,000 (Thirty-Three Thousand Naira) per month. This amount is paid to corps members by the Federal Government of Nigeria to help them cover their expenses during their service year.

It's worth noting that the NYSC allowance is not a fixed amount and may be reviewed or adjusted from time to time by the Federal Government. Additionally, the allowance may vary depending on the state of deployment and other factors.

Here are some other important things to know about the NYSC allowance:

  1. The allowance is paid monthly, usually around the 10th of each month.
  2. The allowance is paid directly into the bank account of the corps member.
  3. The allowance is taxable, and corps members are required to pay taxes on it.
  4. The allowance is not a salary, and corps members are not entitled to any other benefits or entitlements.
  5. The allowance is meant to cover basic expenses such as food, accommodation, and transportation, but corps members may need to supplement it with their own funds to meet their needs.

Overall, the NYSC allowance is an important part of the NYSC program, and it helps to support corps members during their service year.