Nysc extends deadline for registration of corps members #

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NYSF Extends Deadline for Registration of Corps Members

The National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) has announced an extension of the deadline for the registration of corps members for the 2023 Batch 'A' orientation course.

In a statement released on Wednesday, the NYSC Director-General, Brigadier General Muhammad Fadah, said that the deadline has been extended to [insert new deadline date] to enable corps members who have not yet registered to do so.

The initial deadline for registration was [insert original deadline date], but the NYSC has decided to grant an extension to allow more corps members to complete the registration process.

The NYSC DG urged corps members to take advantage of the extension and register as soon as possible to avoid any inconvenience.

"The extension is to enable corps members who have not yet registered to do so and to ensure that all corps members are properly registered and ready for the orientation course," the statement read.

Corps members are required to register online through the NYSC website and upload their required documents, including their birth certificate, academic credentials, and passport photograph.

The NYSC orientation course is a mandatory program for all corps members, and it is designed to equip them with the skills and knowledge needed to serve their communities effectively.

The NYSC has also advised corps members to ensure that their registration is complete and accurate to avoid any issues during the orientation course.

Corps members who have already registered are advised to check their registration status and ensure that their documents are complete and accurate.

The NYSC is committed to providing a smooth and successful orientation course for all corps members, and the extension of the deadline is part of its efforts to ensure that all corps members are properly registered and ready for the program.