Nysc close down all orientation camps over fear of coronavirus

I think there may be some misinformation here.

According to reports, the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) has not closed down all its orientation camps due to fear of the coronavirus. In fact, the NYSC has taken several measures to ensure the safety and well-being of its corps members and staff during the COVID-19 pandemic.

While some orientation camps may have been temporarily closed or modified to comply with government guidelines and protocols, many others have continued to operate with enhanced safety measures in place.

These measures include:

  1. Temperature checks: Corps members and staff are screened for fever and other symptoms before entering the camp.
  2. Social distancing: Camps have implemented social distancing measures, such as reducing the number of corps members in each room and increasing the distance between seating areas.
  3. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Corps members and staff are required to wear face masks, gloves, and other PPE to reduce the risk of transmission.
  4. Enhanced hygiene practices: Camps have increased the frequency of cleaning and disinfection, and have provided hand sanitizer and soap for corps members and staff.
  5. Virtual orientation: Some camps have implemented virtual orientation programs to reduce the risk of transmission and ensure that corps members can still participate in the orientation process.

The NYSC has also provided guidance to corps members and staff on how to prevent the spread of COVID-19, including the importance of washing hands frequently, avoiding close contact with others, and staying at home if they are feeling unwell.

It's important to note that the NYSC is a critical institution in Nigeria, and its orientation camps play a vital role in preparing young Nigerians for national service. While the pandemic has presented challenges, the NYSC has taken proactive steps to ensure the safety and well-being of its corps members and staff.