Nysc bans corps members from unauthorised journeys

A recent development!

According to reports, the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) has banned corps members from embarking on unauthorized journeys during their service year.

The ban was announced by the NYSC Director-General, Brigadier General Shuaibu Ibrahim, during a meeting with corps members and their state coordinators in Abuja.

The decision was taken to ensure the safety and security of corps members, as well as to prevent them from engaging in activities that are not in line with the NYSC's objectives.

The NYSC DG emphasized that corps members are expected to remain in their assigned places of primary assignment (PPAs) and not engage in any unauthorized travel or activities that may compromise their safety or the integrity of the scheme.

The ban is expected to take effect immediately, and corps members who violate the directive may face disciplinary action, including possible redeployment or even dismissal from the scheme.

This move is seen as a proactive step by the NYSC to ensure the well-being and safety of its corps members, who are serving the nation in various capacities across the country.

What do you think about this development? Do you think it's a necessary measure to ensure the safety of corps members?