Nydaily news

The New York Daily News! Here are some key facts about the newspaper:

History: The New York Daily News was founded in 1919 by Joseph Medill Patterson and Robert R. McCormick. It was the first tabloid newspaper in the United States and was known for its sensational headlines and investigative reporting.

Circulation: At its peak in the 1940s and 1950s, the Daily News had a circulation of over 2 million copies per day, making it one of the largest-circulating newspapers in the United States. Today, its circulation has declined significantly, but it still remains one of the most widely read newspapers in New York City.

Content: The Daily News is known for its bold and provocative headlines, as well as its in-depth coverage of local and national news. It has a strong focus on crime, politics, and sports, and is particularly famous for its coverage of the New York Yankees and other local sports teams.

Notable journalists: The Daily News has employed many notable journalists over the years, including Pulitzer Prize winners like Meyer Berger, who covered the Nuremberg trials, and Jimmy Breslin, who wrote about the Watergate scandal.

Controversies: The Daily News has been involved in several controversies over the years, including allegations of sensationalism and bias in its reporting. In 2017, the newspaper was criticized for its coverage of the death of a 4-year-old boy who was killed in a police shooting, which some saw as insensitive and exploitative.

Digital presence: The Daily News has a strong online presence, with a website and social media accounts that attract millions of visitors each month. However, like many newspapers, it has struggled to adapt to the shift towards digital media and has undergone several rounds of layoffs and cost-cutting measures in recent years.

Ownership: The Daily News is owned by Tribune Publishing, a subsidiary of the Tronc media company. In 2017, the newspaper was sold to Tronc for $1, which was seen as a significant bargain given its historical significance and brand recognition.

Overall, the New York Daily News is an iconic and influential newspaper that has played a significant role in shaping the city's media landscape for over a century.