Nyamweya to host reclaiming and saving football convention ahead of fkf polls

It seems like you're referring to a news article or announcement about a convention related to football in Kenya. Here's a breakdown of the information:

The convention is likely an attempt to bring together stakeholders in the football industry to discuss the current state of the sport in Kenya and to provide a platform for candidates vying for positions in the FKF elections to share their vision and plans for the future of football in the country.

It's worth noting that the FKF elections are an important event in Kenyan football, as they determine the leadership of the governing body and set the direction for the sport in the country. The elections are usually held every four years, and the next ones are likely to take place soon.

Overall, the "Reclaiming and Saving Football Convention" hosted by Ababu Namwamba is an important event that could have significant implications for the future of football in Kenya.