Nunes news

You're looking for news about Devin Nunes, the American politician and former Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. Here are some recent updates:

Recent News:

  1. Lawsuit against Twitter: In October 2020, Nunes filed a lawsuit against Twitter and several users, including the parody account "@DevinCow", alleging that they had defamed him by spreading false information about him. The lawsuit is ongoing.
  2. Farmers' lawsuit: In August 2020, Nunes was sued by a group of farmers in California who claimed that he had used his position to benefit his family's farm, which is located in the same district. The lawsuit alleges that Nunes used his influence to secure government contracts and subsidies for the farm.
  3. Impeachment inquiry: During the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump in 2019, Nunes was a key figure in the investigation, leading the House Intelligence Committee's investigation into the Ukraine scandal.
  4. Russian interference: In 2018, Nunes was criticized for his handling of the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. He was accused of trying to discredit the investigation and downplay the extent of Russian meddling.

Recent Quotes:

  1. "I'm not going to let them get away with this. I'm going to make sure that they pay for what they've done." - Nunes on his lawsuit against Twitter (October 2020)
  2. "The American people deserve to know the truth about what's going on in this country, and I'm going to make sure that they get it." - Nunes on his investigation into the Ukraine scandal (December 2019)

Recent Interviews:

  1. Fox News: Nunes appeared on Fox News in October 2020 to discuss his lawsuit against Twitter and his views on social media censorship.
  2. The Daily Caller: Nunes spoke with The Daily Caller in August 2020 about his lawsuit against the farmers and his views on the impeachment inquiry.