Nuc and policy somersault for medical lecturers​

I think you meant to ask about "nuc and policy somersault for medical lecturers"!

Here's a possible interpretation:

NUC (Nigerian University Commission): The NUC is the regulatory body responsible for ensuring the quality of education in Nigerian universities. Medical lecturers in Nigerian universities are expected to comply with the NUC's guidelines and regulations.

Policy somersault: A "policy somersault" refers to a sudden and unexpected change in policy or direction. In the context of medical lecturers, a policy somersault might refer to a sudden change in the way medical education is delivered or assessed, or a change in the curriculum or requirements for medical students.

So, if we put the two together, "nuc and policy somersault for medical lecturers" might refer to the need for medical lecturers in Nigerian universities to adapt to sudden changes in policy or regulations, as set by the NUC. This could include changes to the curriculum, assessment methods, or teaching approaches, and medical lecturers would need to be flexible and responsive to these changes in order to ensure the quality of medical education in Nigerian universities.

Please let me know if this interpretation is correct, or if you have any further clarification or context!