Nps news

Here are some recent news articles and updates from the National Park Service (NPS):

Recent News

  1. National Park Service Celebrates 103rd Birthday: The NPS celebrated its 103rd birthday on August 25, 2022, marking a century of preserving America's natural and cultural treasures. (Source: National Park Service)
  2. New National Park in Utah: The NPS announced the establishment of the Cedar Breaks National Monument in Utah, which will protect over 6,000 acres of red rock formations and alpine lakes. (Source: The Salt Lake Tribune)
  3. National Park Service Launches New App: The NPS launched a new app, "NPS Mobile", which allows visitors to plan their trip, access park information, and explore park trails. (Source: National Park Service)
  4. Wildfires Impact National Parks: Wildfires have affected several national parks, including Yellowstone, Yosemite, and Zion, forcing closures and evacuations. (Source: CNN)
  5. National Park Service Receives Funding Boost: The NPS received a $1.4 billion funding boost in the 2022 federal budget, which will help address maintenance backlogs and improve visitor services. (Source: The Hill)

Upcoming Events

  1. National Park Week: The NPS is celebrating National Park Week from April 15 to April 23, 2023, with free admission to all national parks and special events. (Source: National Park Service)
  2. Earth Day: The NPS is participating in Earth Day events on April 22, 2023, with activities such as park cleanups, nature walks, and environmental education programs. (Source: National Park Service)
  3. National Trails Day: The NPS is celebrating National Trails Day on June 3, 2023, with guided hikes, trail maintenance events, and other outdoor activities. (Source: American Hiking Society)

Recent Research and Studies

  1. Climate Change Impact on National Parks: A new study by the NPS found that climate change is altering ecosystems and threatening the integrity of national parks, with some parks experiencing up to 3°F (1.6°C) of warming per decade. (Source: National Park Service)
  2. National Park Visitor Spending: A study by the NPS found that national park visitors spent over $40 billion in local communities in 2020, supporting over 340,000 jobs. (Source: National Park Service)
  3. Wildlife Conservation Efforts: The NPS is working to conserve endangered species, such as the grizzly bear, wolf, and bison, through habitat protection and reintroduction programs. (Source: National Park Service)

I hope this information is helpful!