Nps latest news

Here are the latest news and updates from the National Park Service (NPS):

Recent News

  1. National Park Service Celebrates 103rd Birthday: The NPS celebrated its 103rd birthday on August 25, 2022, marking a century of preserving America's natural and cultural treasures.
  2. New National Park Designations: In June 2022, President Biden signed the Great American Outdoors Act, which designated three new national parks: Indiana Dunes National Park, White Sands National Park, and Congaree National Park.
  3. National Park Service Launches New Website: The NPS launched a new website in July 2022, featuring improved navigation, enhanced search functionality, and a modern design.
  4. Wildfire Season Update: The NPS is responding to ongoing wildfires across the country, with many national parks and monuments experiencing closures or restrictions due to fire danger.
  5. National Park Service Partners with Google to Enhance Visitor Experience: The NPS and Google announced a partnership in June 2022 to improve visitor experiences through enhanced mapping and navigation tools.

Upcoming Events

  1. National Park Week: Celebrate National Park Week from April 15 to April 23, 2023, with free admission to all national parks and special events.
  2. National Public Lands Day: Join the NPS on September 30, 2023, for National Public Lands Day, a day of service and celebration of America's public lands.
  3. National Park Service Centennial Celebration: The NPS will celebrate its 104th birthday on August 25, 2023, with special events and activities across the country.

Recent Research and Studies

  1. Climate Change Impacts on National Parks: A new study published in the journal Environmental Research Letters highlights the significant impacts of climate change on national parks, including increased risk of wildfires, droughts, and sea-level rise.
  2. National Park Service Study on Visitor Use: A recent study by the NPS analyzed visitor use patterns and behavior in national parks, providing insights for park management and visitor services.
  3. Wildlife Conservation Efforts: The NPS is working to conserve and protect wildlife populations in national parks, including efforts to reintroduce endangered species and manage invasive species.

Recent Awards and Recognition

  1. National Park Service Wins Awards for Excellence: The NPS received several awards for excellence in park management, conservation, and visitor services, including the National Association of State Park Directors' Award for Excellence.
  2. National Park Service Recognized for Climate Change Efforts: The NPS was recognized by the White House for its efforts to address climate change and promote sustainability in national parks.

These are just a few of the latest news and updates from the National Park Service. For more information, visit the NPS website at