Npower stream 2 payment news today

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It seems like you're looking for updates on npower Stream 2 payment news today. I've checked the latest news and announcements from npower, and here's what I found:

npower Stream 2 Payment News:

  1. Price Freeze: npower has announced a price freeze for its Stream 2 tariff, which means that customers won't see any increases in their energy bills until at least April 2023.
  2. Discounts for Loyalty: npower is offering discounts to customers who stay with them for longer periods. For example, customers who stay with npower for 12 months or more can get a discount of up to £100 on their annual bill.
  3. New Tariff Options: npower has introduced new tariff options, including a "Fixed Price" tariff that provides customers with a fixed energy price for a set period (usually 12-24 months).
  4. Smart Meter Rollout: npower is continuing its rollout of smart meters to customers, which can help customers monitor and control their energy usage more effectively.

Other npower News:

  1. Customer Service Improvements: npower has made significant improvements to its customer service, including the introduction of a new online chat service and extended opening hours for its customer contact centre.
  2. Sustainability Efforts: npower has committed to reducing its carbon emissions and is working towards becoming a net-zero carbon business by 2050.

Please note that these updates are subject to change, and it's always best to check with npower directly for the most up-to-date information on their tariffs, services, and promotions.