Npower news for 2016

Here are some notable news stories related to npower, a British energy supplier, for the year 2016:

  1. npower fined £26.5 million for mis-selling energy deals: In January 2016, npower was fined by Ofgem, the UK's energy regulator, for mis-selling energy deals to vulnerable customers, including the elderly and those with disabilities. The fine was the largest ever imposed on an energy company by Ofgem at the time.
  2. npower's profits plummet: In February 2016, npower's parent company, Innogy, reported a significant decline in profits for the energy supplier. The company's profits fell by 75% to £23 million in 2015, due to increased competition and regulatory pressures.
  3. npower launches new tariff: In March 2016, npower launched a new tariff, called "Simple", which aimed to simplify the energy market for customers. The tariff offered a fixed price for a set period, with no exit fees or hidden charges.
  4. npower's customer service improves: In April 2016, npower announced that it had improved its customer service, with a significant reduction in complaints and a rise in customer satisfaction. The company had implemented a number of changes, including the introduction of a new customer service team and improved training for staff.
  5. npower's smart meter rollout: In May 2016, npower began rolling out smart meters to its customers, as part of the UK government's plan to install smart meters in every home by 2020. The smart meters allowed customers to monitor their energy usage in real-time and receive accurate bills.
  6. npower's partnership with British Gas: In June 2016, npower announced a partnership with British Gas, which would see the two companies share resources and expertise to improve their customer service and reduce costs. The partnership was seen as a significant development in the UK energy market, as it brought together two of the country's largest energy suppliers.
  7. npower's energy efficiency initiatives: In July 2016, npower launched a number of energy efficiency initiatives, including a scheme to help customers reduce their energy bills by up to £300. The company also introduced a new energy efficiency product, which allowed customers to monitor their energy usage and receive personalized recommendations for reducing their energy consumption.
  8. npower's response to the EU Referendum: In June 2016, npower issued a statement in response to the EU Referendum, in which the UK voted to leave the European Union. The company said that it was committed to continuing to supply energy to its customers, regardless of the outcome of the referendum.
  9. npower's charity partnership: In August 2016, npower announced a partnership with the charity, Macmillan Cancer Support. The partnership aimed to raise awareness and funds for the charity, which provides support to people affected by cancer.
  10. npower's year-end review: In December 2016, npower published its year-end review, which highlighted the company's achievements and challenges during the year. The review noted that the company had made significant progress in improving its customer service and reducing its costs, but also faced challenges in a highly competitive energy market.