Npower news 2019

Here are some notable news stories related to npower, a UK-based energy supplier, in 2019:

  1. npower fined £26.5 million for mis-selling energy deals: In January 2019, npower was fined by the UK's energy regulator, Ofgem, for mis-selling energy deals to vulnerable customers, including the elderly and those with disabilities. The fine was the largest ever imposed on an energy supplier by Ofgem. (Source: BBC News)
  2. npower's parent company, Innogy, sells UK business to E.ON: In March 2019, Innogy, the German parent company of npower, announced that it would sell its UK energy business, including npower, to E.ON, another major energy supplier. The deal was completed in August 2019. (Source: The Guardian)
  3. npower's customer service ratings improve: In June 2019, npower's customer service ratings improved significantly, with the company achieving a customer satisfaction score of 82% in a survey by the energy watchdog, Citizens Advice. This was a significant improvement from previous years. (Source: Citizens Advice)
  4. npower launches new smart meter rollout: In July 2019, npower launched a new smart meter rollout program, aiming to install smart meters in over 1 million homes across the UK. The program was designed to help customers better manage their energy usage and reduce their bills. (Source: npower website)
  5. npower's profits fall due to price cap: In August 2019, npower's parent company, E.ON, reported a fall in profits due to the introduction of a price cap on energy bills in the UK. The cap, introduced by the UK government, limited the amount that energy suppliers could charge customers for their energy. (Source: The Telegraph)
  6. npower's customer base shrinks: In October 2019, npower's customer base shrunk by 12% due to the company's decision to focus on retaining its most profitable customers and reducing its exposure to the UK's competitive energy market. (Source: Energy Live News)

These are just a few of the notable news stories related to npower in 2019. If you're looking for more information, please let me know!