Npower new

You're looking for information on npower, a UK-based energy supplier. Here are some recent updates:

npower's Current Status:

npower is a subsidiary of E.ON, a leading international energy company. As of 2022, npower is no longer a separate entity and has been fully integrated into E.ON's operations.

Recent Developments:

  1. Integration with E.ON: As mentioned earlier, npower has been fully integrated into E.ON's operations, which means that npower's customers are now served by E.ON.
  2. Price Changes: npower's prices have changed over time, with some tariffs being discontinued and new ones being introduced. It's essential to check the current prices and tariffs offered by E.ON.
  3. Customer Service: npower's customer service has been merged with E.ON's customer service. Customers can now contact E.ON for all their energy-related queries and concerns.
  4. Smart Meters: npower has been rolling out smart meters to its customers, which allow for more accurate and efficient energy metering.

npower's Services:

  1. Gas and Electricity Supply: npower (now E.ON) supplies gas and electricity to residential and business customers across the UK.
  2. Tariffs: npower offered a range of tariffs, including fixed-rate, variable-rate, and dual-fuel tariffs. E.ON now offers a range of tariffs, including some that were previously offered by npower.
  3. Smart Meters: npower has been installing smart meters in customers' homes, which allow for real-time monitoring of energy usage.
  4. Energy Efficiency: npower (now E.ON) offers various energy efficiency measures, such as energy-efficient appliances and home insulation, to help customers reduce their energy consumption.

npower's Awards and Recognition:

  1. Customer Service Awards: npower has received several awards for its customer service, including the "Best Customer Service" award at the 2019 Energy Awards.
  2. Energy Efficiency Awards: npower has received awards for its energy efficiency initiatives, including the "Energy Efficiency Award" at the 2018 Energy Awards.

I hope this information helps!