Npower exit package news today

I've got some information for you!

As of today, npower, a UK-based energy supplier, has announced a new exit package for customers who are struggling to pay their bills. Here are the key details:

What's the package about?

npower's exit package is designed to help customers who are experiencing financial difficulties and are at risk of disconnection. The package offers a range of support measures to help customers get back on track with their energy payments.

What does the package include?

The exit package includes:

  1. Payment plans: npower will work with customers to set up a payment plan that suits their individual circumstances, allowing them to pay off their debt in manageable chunks.
  2. Discounts: Customers will receive a discount on their energy bills to help reduce their debt.
  3. Debt forgiveness: npower will consider forgiving a portion of the debt for customers who are unable to pay it off in full.
  4. Energy efficiency measures: npower will offer energy-efficient measures, such as free loft insulation and energy-efficient light bulbs, to help customers reduce their energy consumption and bills.
  5. Referral to debt advice services: npower will refer customers to independent debt advice services to help them manage their debt and improve their overall financial situation.

Who is eligible?

The exit package is available to npower customers who are struggling to pay their bills and are at risk of disconnection. Customers who are already disconnected or have had their supply disconnected in the past 12 months may also be eligible.

How to apply?

Customers who are interested in the exit package should contact npower's customer service team directly to discuss their individual circumstances and eligibility. You can reach npower's customer service team by calling 0800 073 3000 or by visiting their website.

I hope this information is helpful!