Npower build news

Here are some recent news updates related to npower, a UK-based energy supplier:

Recent News

  1. npower to cut gas and electricity prices: In October 2022, npower announced a price cut for its customers, reducing gas prices by 5% and electricity prices by 4%. This move was aimed at helping customers save money on their energy bills. [Source: npower website]
  2. npower launches new tariff for small businesses: In September 2022, npower introduced a new tariff specifically designed for small businesses, offering competitive prices and flexible payment options. [Source: npower website]
  3. npower partners with energy storage company: In August 2022, npower announced a partnership with energy storage company, Sonnen, to offer customers a smart energy storage solution. This partnership aims to help customers reduce their energy bills and carbon footprint. [Source: npower website]
  4. npower to invest in renewable energy: In July 2022, npower announced plans to invest in renewable energy projects, including wind farms and solar panels, to reduce its carbon emissions and support the UK's transition to a low-carbon economy. [Source: npower website]
  5. npower launches new customer service hub: In June 2022, npower opened a new customer service hub in Nottingham, creating 100 new jobs and providing customers with a dedicated support team. [Source: npower website]

Previous News

  1. npower fined £26.5 million for mis-selling: In 2020, npower was fined £26.5 million by Ofgem for mis-selling energy contracts to vulnerable customers. [Source: BBC News]
  2. npower to close call centre: In 2019, npower announced plans to close its call centre in Stoke-on-Trent, resulting in the loss of 150 jobs. [Source: Stoke Sentinel]
  3. npower launches new smart meter rollout: In 2018, npower launched a new smart meter rollout program, aiming to install smart meters in over 1 million homes across the UK. [Source: npower website]

Please note that news articles and updates may be subject to change, and it's always a good idea to check the npower website or other reputable sources for the latest information.