Nottingham forest owner evangelos marinakis tests positive to coronavirus

According to recent reports, Evangelos Marinakis, the owner of Nottingham Forest Football Club, has tested positive for COVID-19. This news comes as a precautionary measure, as Marinakis had recently attended a match at the City Ground, the club's home stadium.

As a result, the club has taken immediate action to ensure the safety and well-being of its players, staff, and fans. The club has announced that it will be conducting a thorough investigation and will be working closely with local health authorities to identify anyone who may have come into contact with Marinakis.

Nottingham Forest has also taken the necessary precautions to minimize the risk of transmission, including increasing the frequency of cleaning and disinfecting the stadium, as well as providing personal protective equipment (PPE) to all staff and players.

It's worth noting that Marinakis is not the first high-profile individual to test positive for COVID-19. Many others, including athletes, celebrities, and politicians, have also contracted the virus in recent months.

In light of this development, it's essential for everyone to remain vigilant and take necessary precautions to prevent the spread of the virus. This includes frequent handwashing, social distancing, and avoiding close contact with others who may be infected.

I hope this information is helpful. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to ask!