Notorious jungle agbole finally demolished

It seems like you're referring to the notorious Agbole Jungle in Lagos, Nigeria, which has finally been demolished.

For those who may not be aware, Agbole Jungle was a notorious slum in Lagos that was known for its poor living conditions, lack of basic amenities, and high crime rate. The area was home to thousands of people who lived in shanties and makeshift structures, and it was a major concern for the government and residents of the area.

The demolition of Agbole Jungle is a significant step towards improving the living conditions of the people in the area and reducing the crime rate. The government has promised to provide alternative accommodation and amenities for the residents who were affected by the demolition.

It's worth noting that the demolition of Agbole Jungle is not without controversy. Some residents have expressed concerns about the lack of adequate compensation and alternative housing for those who were affected by the demolition. Others have raised concerns about the environmental impact of the demolition and the lack of proper waste management in the area.

Overall, the demolition of Agbole Jungle is a complex issue that requires careful consideration and planning to ensure that the affected residents are properly taken care of and that the area is developed in a way that benefits the community.