Nota branded bitter for telling berita to return designer bag gifts

It seems like you're referring to a rather interesting and perhaps controversial situation!

So, to summarize, Nota Branded Bitter (a popular Malaysian bitter melon drink) has been involved in a controversy where they asked Berita Harian (a Malaysian news portal) to return designer bag gifts that were given to them. This has sparked quite a bit of debate and discussion online.

From what I understand, Nota Branded Bitter had received the designer bags as gifts from Berita Harian, but later asked for them to be returned, citing that they didn't want to be associated with the news portal anymore. This move has been met with criticism from some quarters, with many questioning the motives behind the request.

What are your thoughts on this situation? Do you think Nota Branded Bitter was justified in asking for the gifts to be returned, or do you think they were being unreasonable?