Nose for news

A play on words!

"Nose for news" is a common idiomatic expression that means having a keen sense of what's happening or what's newsworthy. It's often used to describe someone who is well-informed, curious, and able to sniff out interesting or important information.

The phrase is thought to have originated from the idea that a person with a keen sense of smell (a "nose for news") can detect subtle changes or scents that others might miss. In this sense, having a "nose for news" means being able to pick up on the latest developments, trends, or scoops before others do.

For example, a journalist with a "nose for news" might be able to uncover a hidden story or scoop before anyone else, while a social media influencer with a "nose for news" might be able to stay ahead of the curve by sharing the latest trends and updates with their followers.

Overall, having a "nose for news" is a valuable asset in many fields, from journalism to marketing to social media management.