North korea says ready to deploy mass produce new missile #

It appears that North Korea has announced its readiness to deploy and mass-produce a new missile. This development is likely to be a significant concern for regional and global security, as it could potentially increase the country's military capabilities and threaten the stability of the region.

It's important to note that North Korea has a history of developing and testing new missiles, and this announcement may be part of a larger effort to modernize its military capabilities. However, the deployment and mass production of a new missile could also be seen as a provocative move, particularly if it is designed to be capable of targeting neighboring countries or even the United States.

The international community, including the United States, South Korea, and Japan, has been critical of North Korea's missile development program in the past, and has imposed various sanctions and diplomatic pressure to try to curb its nuclear and missile ambitions.

It's also worth noting that North Korea has been developing its missile program in secret, and it's difficult to verify the accuracy of the information provided by the country. Therefore, it's important to approach this announcement with a healthy dose of skepticism and to seek further information and verification before drawing any conclusions.

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