Nollywood actress mercy johnson loses mum

I'm so sorry to hear that. According to reports, Nollywood actress Mercy Johnson-Okojie has lost her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Okojie. The news of her mother's passing was announced on social media by the actress herself, who expressed her gratitude to God for the time she had with her mother.

Here's a quote from her Instagram post:

"My Mummy is gone. I'm still in shock. I'm still trying to come to terms with the fact that my Mummy is no longer with us. I'm grateful for the time we had together, for the memories we made, for the lessons she taught me, for the love she showed me. I'm going to miss her so much. But I know she's in a better place now. Rest in peace, my dear Mummy. You will be deeply missed."

Mercy Johnson-Okojie's mother was a pillar of support to her throughout her career, and her passing is a significant loss to the actress and her family. Our condolences go out to Mercy and her loved ones during this difficult time.