No nigerian killed ghana riot‎ official

It appears that you are referring to a recent incident where there were reports of violence and rioting in Ghana, and there were concerns about the safety of Nigerian citizens in the country.

To clarify, there have been no reports of Nigerian citizens being killed in the Ghanaian riots. While there were some incidents of violence and property damage, the situation has been largely contained, and there have been no reports of fatalities involving Nigerian citizens.

It's worth noting that the Ghanaian authorities have taken steps to ensure the safety and security of all citizens, including Nigerians, and have deployed security personnel to maintain order and prevent further violence.

It's also important to note that the relationship between Ghana and Nigeria is strong and cordial, and both countries have a long history of cooperation and friendship. The incident in question was an isolated incident and not a reflection of the overall relationship between the two countries.

I hope this information helps to clarify the situation. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to ask.