No man born of a woman can bring down who god stands with oshiomole video

It seems like you're referring to a video featuring Adams Oshiomhole, a former National Chairman of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Nigeria. The quote you mentioned is likely a statement he made in the video.

The quote "No man born of a woman can bring down who God stands with" is a biblical reference to Psalm 82:5, which says, "They have neither knowledge nor understanding, they walk about in darkness; all the foundations of the earth are shaken. Yet he will not keep the wicked safe from punishment, but will give the righteous security."

In the context of the video, Oshiomhole is likely using this quote to emphasize that no human being can bring down or defeat someone who is favored by God. He may be suggesting that his own political opponents or critics are powerless against him because God is on his side.

It's worth noting that this quote is often used in a broader context of faith and spirituality, emphasizing the idea that God's power and protection can overcome human opposition and adversity.