No jailbreaks in 2019 says ncos

It seems like you're referring to the statement made by NCORE (a well-known jailbreak development team) in 2019.

For those who might not know, NCORE is a group of developers who have been involved in creating jailbreaks for iOS devices. In 2019, they announced that they would not be releasing any jailbreaks for iOS 13 and later versions.

The reason behind this decision was due to the significant changes Apple made to the iOS 13 operating system, which made it much more difficult to create a reliable and stable jailbreak. Apple's new security features, such as the "Secure Enclave" and "SE" (Secure Enclave) architecture, made it challenging for developers to find vulnerabilities that could be exploited to create a jailbreak.

NCORE's decision not to release a jailbreak for iOS 13 and later versions was likely due to the fact that they didn't want to compromise the security of their users' devices. Jailbreaks can be risky, as they often require users to install unsigned code, which can potentially lead to security vulnerabilities.

It's worth noting that other jailbreak development teams, such as Checkra1n and Chimera, have released jailbreaks for iOS 13 and later versions, but these jailbreaks are not officially supported by Apple and may have limitations and risks associated with them.

In summary, NCORE's decision not to release a jailbreak for iOS 13 and later versions was likely due to the significant changes Apple made to the operating system, which made it difficult to create a reliable and stable jailbreak.