No data shows that 800000 nigerians live in south africa #comments

A popular myth debunked!

The claim that 800,000 Nigerians live in South Africa is a common one, but it's actually a gross exaggeration. There is no credible data to support this figure.

According to the South African Department of Home Affairs, as of 2020, there were approximately 130,000 Nigerian nationals living in South Africa, not 800,000. This number is based on official immigration records and is subject to change.

Other sources, such as the Nigerian government and international organizations, also do not support the claim of 800,000 Nigerians living in South Africa.

It's worth noting that the myth of 800,000 Nigerians in South Africa may have originated from a 2019 report by the Nigerian government, which estimated that there were around 800,000 Nigerians living in South Africa. However, this report was widely criticized for its methodology and lack of transparency.

In reality, while there are certainly many Nigerian nationals living in South Africa, the actual number is likely much lower than the exaggerated figure of 800,000.