No country for young people creating a new africa story for the young and ambitious

What a fascinating topic! "No Country for Young People" is a thought-provoking title that highlights the challenges and frustrations that many young people face in Africa today. Here's a potential story outline for a new Africa narrative that focuses on the young and ambitious:

Title: "Rise of the Phoenix"

Setting: Modern-day Africa, with a focus on urban centers like Lagos, Nairobi, and Johannesburg.

Plot Idea:

Meet our protagonist, Kofi, a 25-year-old entrepreneur from Accra, Ghana. Kofi has always been driven by a passion for innovation and a desire to make a difference in his community. He's spent years working on a revolutionary new app that aims to connect small-scale farmers with urban consumers, promoting sustainable agriculture and reducing food waste.

As Kofi prepares to launch his app, he faces numerous challenges. His family, though supportive, is skeptical about the viability of his venture. His friends are either stuck in dead-end jobs or struggling to find meaningful work. The government is slow to respond to his requests for funding and support. And the competition is fierce, with established players in the market.

Despite these obstacles, Kofi remains determined to succeed. He's joined by a diverse group of young friends, each with their own unique skills and strengths:

Together, the group faces numerous setbacks and challenges, from funding crises to personal conflicts. However, they also experience moments of triumph, as their app begins to gain traction and make a real impact in their communities.


  1. Youth empowerment: The story highlights the potential and creativity of young people in Africa, showcasing their ability to drive positive change and innovation.
  2. Innovation and entrepreneurship: The app serves as a symbol of the power of innovation and entrepreneurship in addressing Africa's development challenges.
  3. Collaboration and community: The story emphasizes the importance of collaboration and community in overcoming obstacles and achieving success.
  4. Resilience and perseverance: Kofi and his friends face numerous setbacks, but they never give up, demonstrating the resilience and perseverance required to succeed in the face of adversity.

Target Audience:


Key Messages:

  1. Young people in Africa have the potential to drive positive change and innovation.
  2. Collaboration and community are essential for overcoming obstacles and achieving success.
  3. Resilience and perseverance are crucial for entrepreneurs and innovators.
  4. Africa's future is bright, and its young people are the key to unlocking its potential.

By telling the story of Kofi and his friends, "Rise of the Phoenix" can inspire and empower young people in Africa and around the world to pursue their passions, overcome challenges, and create a brighter future for themselves and their communities.