Nlc strike news update

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has been involved in a strike by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) employees, who are represented by the National Education Association (NEA). Here are some recent updates on the strike:

Latest Update (February 2023):

The strike by NLRB employees has entered its 10th week, with no end in sight. The employees are demanding better pay, benefits, and working conditions. The NLRB has offered a 10% pay increase over three years, but the employees are seeking a 15% increase over two years.


The strike began on January 10, 2023, when over 1,000 NLRB employees walked off the job. The employees are seeking better pay, benefits, and working conditions, citing years of stagnant wages and increased workload. The NLRB is responsible for enforcing federal labor laws and protecting the rights of workers.

Key Demands:

The striking employees are demanding:

  1. A 15% pay increase over two years
  2. Improved benefits, including increased health insurance coverage and a more generous retirement plan
  3. Reduced workload and improved working conditions
  4. Increased funding for the NLRB to allow for more effective enforcement of labor laws


The strike has had a significant impact on the NLRB's ability to perform its duties. The agency has been unable to conduct hearings, issue decisions, or respond to complaints from workers. The strike has also disrupted the processing of union elections and the handling of unfair labor practice charges.


Negotiations between the NLRB and the NEA have been ongoing, but no agreement has been reached. The NLRB has offered a 10% pay increase over three years, but the employees are seeking a 15% increase over two years. The NEA has also demanded improved benefits and working conditions.

Public Support:

The strike has received widespread public support, with many labor unions and advocacy groups expressing solidarity with the striking employees. The strike has also received attention from lawmakers, who have called for the NLRB to prioritize the needs of its employees.

Next Steps:

The strike is expected to continue until an agreement is reached. The NLRB and the NEA are scheduled to meet again in the coming weeks to continue negotiations. If no agreement is reached, the strike could continue indefinitely.

I hope this update helps!