Nlc news today

Here are some of the latest news stories from the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) and labor relations:

Recent NLRB Decisions:

  1. Amazon warehouse workers in Alabama win union election: The NLRB has certified the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU) as the bargaining representative for over 6,000 Amazon warehouse workers in Bessemer, Alabama. This is a significant victory for labor unions and could pave the way for future organizing efforts at Amazon facilities nationwide. (Source: NLRB, Reuters)
  2. NLRB rules that graduate students are employees: The NLRB has issued a decision stating that graduate students at private universities are employees and have the right to form a union. This ruling could have significant implications for graduate student organizing and collective bargaining. (Source: NLRB, Inside Higher Ed)
  3. NLRB upholds ruling that employers must bargain with unions over COVID-19 safety measures: The NLRB has upheld a ruling that employers must bargain with unions over COVID-19 safety measures, including mask mandates and social distancing protocols. This decision could help ensure that workers have a greater say in workplace safety measures during the pandemic. (Source: NLRB, Bloomberg Law)

Labor News:

  1. Strike wave continues in the US: The US is experiencing a wave of strikes across various industries, including healthcare, education, and manufacturing. The strikes are often sparked by disputes over wages, benefits, and working conditions. (Source: NPR, The New York Times)
  2. Union membership rates decline in the US: According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, union membership rates in the US have declined to their lowest levels in decades. This trend is attributed to various factors, including anti-union legislation and changes in the US economy. (Source: BLS, The Hill)
  3. Labor unions push for stronger protections for gig workers: Labor unions are advocating for stronger protections for gig workers, including the right to collective bargaining and access to benefits like health insurance and paid time off. (Source: The Guardian, CNN)

Upcoming Events:

  1. NLRB hearing on proposed rule changes: The NLRB will hold a hearing on proposed rule changes aimed at streamlining the union election process and reducing the influence of employers in union elections. (Source: NLRB, The Hill)
  2. Labor Day rally and march: Labor unions and workers will hold a rally and march in Washington, D.C. to celebrate Labor Day and advocate for workers' rights. (Source: AFL-CIO, The Washington Post)

I hope this information is helpful!