Nirsal will not be blackmailed into handing over farmers funds to unqualified and dishonest middlemen

It seems like you're referring to a statement made by the National Inland Waterways Authority (NIWA) or the National Inland Waterways Authority (NIRSAL) regarding the handling of funds meant for farmers.

The statement appears to be emphasizing that NIRSAL will not be coerced or intimidated into releasing funds meant for farmers to unqualified or dishonest middlemen. This suggests that the organization is committed to ensuring that the funds are used for their intended purpose and that the farmers who are supposed to benefit from them are the ones who ultimately receive the support.

It's great to see organizations taking a strong stance against corruption and ensuring that funds are used transparently and accountably. This kind of commitment can help build trust between the organization and the farmers they are supposed to support.

Can you tell me more about the context behind this statement? What specific issues or concerns led to this announcement?