Nirsal will not be blackmailed into handing over farmers funds to unqualified and dishonest middlemen #comments

It seems like you're expressing support for the National Inland Waterways Authority (NIRSAL) in their efforts to ensure that farmers' funds are not misused by unqualified or dishonest middlemen.

NIRSAL is a government agency responsible for the development and management of inland waterways in Nigeria. It's great to see that they're taking a stand against corruption and ensuring that farmers' funds are used for their intended purpose.

By saying "NIRSAL will not be blackmailed into handing over farmers funds to unqualified and dishonest middlemen", you're emphasizing the importance of transparency and accountability in the distribution of funds. It's crucial that government agencies like NIRSAL prioritize the welfare of farmers and ensure that their funds are used to benefit the agricultural sector as a whole.

What do you think are some of the key challenges that NIRSAL faces in its efforts to promote transparency and accountability in the agricultural sector?