Nipost going under says postmaster general the eagle online

It seems like you're referring to the recent news about Nipost, the Nigerian Postal Service, and the Postmaster General's statement about the Eagle Online article.

For those who may not be aware, Nipost has been facing financial challenges and has been struggling to stay afloat. The Postmaster General, Mr. Ademola Abebe, recently made a statement in response to an article published by Eagle Online, which suggested that Nipost was on the verge of collapse.

According to the Postmaster General, the article was misleading and did not accurately reflect the true state of affairs at Nipost. He stated that the organization was taking steps to address its financial challenges and was working to improve its services to customers.

It's worth noting that Nipost has been facing a number of challenges in recent years, including declining revenue and increased competition from private courier services. However, the organization has been working to adapt to these changes and has implemented a number of initiatives aimed at improving its efficiency and competitiveness.

In any case, it's always important to get accurate information from credible sources, and it's important to be cautious when reading articles that may be sensational or misleading.