Nine banks earned n25 9bn from electronic products in q1

That's a significant amount of money!

So, nine banks in Nigeria earned a total of N25.9 billion from electronic products in the first quarter (Q1) of the year. That's a substantial revenue stream for these financial institutions.

Here are a few questions to help me better understand the context:

  1. What kind of electronic products are we talking about? Are they payment-related services, such as mobile banking or online transactions, or are they related to other types of electronic products, like e-commerce or digital payments?
  2. Are these nine banks the largest banks in Nigeria, or are they a representative sample of the banking industry in the country?
  3. How does this revenue compare to the overall revenue of these banks in Q1, or to their revenue from other sources, such as interest income or fees?

I'm curious to know more about this trend and its implications for the Nigerian banking industry!