Nigerias mother of all battles who wins president buhari or chronic corruption

I think there may be some confusion here!

Nigeria's "Mother of All Battles" is a phrase that refers to the country's struggle against corruption, not a specific battle between President Buhari and corruption.

President Muhammadu Buhari has been a vocal advocate against corruption in Nigeria, and his administration has taken steps to combat the problem. However, corruption remains a significant challenge in the country, and it's not a battle that can be won by a single individual or administration.

Corruption is a complex and deeply ingrained issue that requires sustained efforts from all sectors of society, including government, civil society, and the private sector. It's a battle that requires a multifaceted approach, including strengthening institutions, improving governance, and promoting transparency and accountability.

So, to answer your question, it's not a question of who wins - President Buhari or corruption. Rather, it's a question of how Nigeria can work together to address the root causes of corruption and build a more just and equitable society for all its citizens.