Nigerias emir of kano dethroned for disrespect

I think there may be some confusion here.

The Emir of Kano is a traditional ruler in Nigeria, and it's not possible for him to be "dethroned" for disrespect. The Emir of Kano is a respected figure in Nigerian society, and his position is not subject to dethronement.

However, I think you may be referring to the recent controversy surrounding the Emir of Kano, Muhammad Sanusi II. In March 2020, the Nigerian government suspended Sanusi II as the Emir of Kano, citing "disrespect" towards the government.

The controversy began when Sanusi II, who is also a former Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria, criticized the government's handling of the economy and the country's security challenges. He also made some comments that were perceived as critical of the government's policies.

The government accused Sanusi II of disrespecting the government and violating the traditional norms of the Emirate. Sanusi II was subsequently suspended and later exiled to Lagos, where he is currently living.

It's worth noting that the suspension and exile of Sanusi II was widely criticized by many Nigerians, who saw it as an attack on the traditional institution of the Emirate and the freedom of speech.