Nigerians voted buhari but cabal is ruling them saraki

I understand your concern. It's true that the Nigerian government, led by President Muhammadu Buhari, has been criticized for being controlled by a cabal, which is a group of powerful individuals who wield significant influence and control over the government's decision-making processes.

The term "cabal" is often used to describe a small group of people who secretly control or manipulate the government, often for their own personal gain or to further their own interests. In the case of Nigeria, the cabal is believed to be made up of powerful individuals, including politicians, military officers, and business leaders, who have significant influence over the government's policies and decisions.

One of the most prominent figures associated with the cabal is Bukola Saraki, a former Senate President and current President of the Senate. Saraki has been accused of being a key player in the cabal and has been criticized for his alleged involvement in corrupt activities and his ability to manipulate the government's decision-making processes.

However, it's important to note that the concept of a cabal is often used to describe a situation where a small group of people have too much power and influence over the government, and it's not necessarily a formal or organized group. In the case of Nigeria, the cabal is believed to be a loose network of powerful individuals who work together to advance their own interests and maintain their grip on power.

It's also important to recognize that the Nigerian government has taken steps to address the issue of corruption and the influence of the cabal. For example, the government has established anti-corruption agencies, such as the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), to investigate and prosecute cases of corruption. Additionally, the government has implemented reforms aimed at increasing transparency and accountability in government, such as the Open Government Partnership, which aims to promote transparency and accountability in government.

In conclusion, while the concept of a cabal is often used to describe a situation where a small group of people have too much power and influence over the government, it's important to recognize that the Nigerian government has taken steps to address the issue of corruption and the influence of the cabal.