Nigerians charged on importance of harnessing provisions of foi act

Here is a draft speech on the importance of harnessing the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (FOI Act) in Nigeria:

Title: Harnessing the Provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (FOI Act) for a More Transparent and Accountable Nigeria

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today, we gather to discuss a crucial aspect of our democracy: the Freedom of Information Act (FOI Act). Enacted in 2011, this law is a significant step towards promoting transparency, accountability, and good governance in Nigeria. As we mark the [insert number] anniversary of the FOI Act, it is imperative that we reflect on its significance and the importance of harnessing its provisions to build a more transparent and accountable society.

The Significance of the FOI Act

The FOI Act is a powerful tool that empowers citizens to access information held by public institutions, including government agencies, ministries, and departments. This law recognizes that information is a vital component of democracy, and that citizens have a right to know how their government operates and makes decisions. By providing access to information, the FOI Act promotes transparency, accountability, and good governance, which are essential for building trust between citizens and their government.

Challenges and Opportunities

Despite the significance of the FOI Act, there are still challenges to its effective implementation. Many public institutions have been slow to comply with the law, and some have even resisted requests for information. This is unacceptable and undermines the very purpose of the FOI Act. However, we must also recognize the opportunities that the FOI Act presents. By harnessing its provisions, we can promote a culture of transparency and accountability, and build a more responsive and effective government.

Harnessing the Provisions of the FOI Act

So, how can we harness the provisions of the FOI Act to build a more transparent and accountable Nigeria? Here are a few suggestions:

  1. Proactive Disclosure: Public institutions should proactively disclose information that is in the public interest, rather than waiting for citizens to request it. This can include information on government policies, decisions, and activities.
  2. Timely Response: Public institutions should respond promptly to requests for information, and provide clear and concise information that is easily understandable.
  3. Training and Capacity Building: Public institutions should provide training and capacity building for officials on the FOI Act, to ensure that they understand their obligations and responsibilities under the law.
  4. Citizen Engagement: Citizens should be encouraged to engage with the FOI Act, by requesting information and holding public institutions accountable for their actions.
  5. Monitoring and Evaluation: The FOI Act should be monitored and evaluated regularly, to ensure that it is effective and that public institutions are complying with its provisions.


In conclusion, the Freedom of Information Act is a powerful tool that can help build a more transparent and accountable Nigeria. However, its effectiveness depends on the willingness of public institutions to comply with its provisions, and the engagement of citizens in requesting information and holding institutions accountable. As we mark the [insert number] anniversary of the FOI Act, let us recommit ourselves to harnessing its provisions to build a better Nigeria for all. Thank you.