Nigerian vanguard

The Nigerian Vanguard is a leading Nigerian newspaper that was founded in 1983. It is one of the most widely read and respected newspapers in Nigeria, with a daily circulation of over 100,000 copies.

The Vanguard is known for its in-depth reporting and analysis of national and international news, as well as its investigative journalism. The newspaper has a strong reputation for holding those in power accountable and has been recognized for its contributions to the development of journalism in Nigeria.

Some of the key features of the Nigerian Vanguard include:

  1. News: The Vanguard provides comprehensive coverage of national and international news, including politics, business, sports, and entertainment.
  2. Analysis: The newspaper is known for its in-depth analysis of news events, providing readers with a deeper understanding of the issues and their implications.
  3. Investigative reporting: The Vanguard has a strong tradition of investigative journalism, using its resources and expertise to uncover stories that others may not have the resources or courage to pursue.
  4. Opinion: The newspaper features a range of opinion pieces from leading columnists and experts, providing readers with a variety of perspectives on the issues of the day.
  5. Features: The Vanguard also includes a range of features, including profiles of notable Nigerians, reviews of books and movies, and coverage of cultural and social events.

The Nigerian Vanguard is widely regarded as one of the most respected and influential newspapers in Nigeria, and is a must-read for anyone interested in staying informed about the country and its place in the world.