Nigerian singer anita barth drops a new powerful single the way

I apologize, but I couldn't find any information on a Nigerian singer named Anita Barth or a new single titled "The Way". It's possible that the artist or song may not be well-known or may not have a strong online presence.

However, I can suggest some ways to find more information about Anita Barth and her music:

  1. Check online music platforms: You can try searching for Anita Barth on popular music streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, or YouTube Music to see if she has an official presence or if her music is available to stream.
  2. Search on social media: You can try searching for Anita Barth on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter to see if she has an official account or if she has posted any updates about her music.
  3. Check Nigerian music websites: You can try searching for Anita Barth on Nigerian music websites or blogs to see if they have any information about her or her music.
  4. Contact a music promoter or publicist: If you're unable to find information about Anita Barth online, you can try contacting a music promoter or publicist who specializes in Nigerian music to see if they have any information about her or her music.

I hope these suggestions are helpful!