Nigerian radiologists radiographers disagree over new bill #

It seems like you're referring to a news article or a topic of discussion about Nigerian radiologists and radiographers having differing opinions on a new bill. Can you please provide more context or information about the bill and the disagreements between the two groups? This will help me better understand the topic and provide a more accurate response.

From what I can gather, the Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) has been pushing for the passage of a bill to regulate the practice of radiology in Nigeria. The bill aims to ensure that only qualified and licensed radiologists and radiographers are allowed to practice in the country.

However, it appears that there are disagreements between the Nigerian Association of Radiologists (NAR) and the Nigerian Association of Radiographers (NAR) over the bill. The NAR is reportedly concerned that the bill may lead to the marginalization of radiographers, who are an essential part of the radiology team.

The NAR has been advocating for the inclusion of radiographers in the bill, arguing that they should be recognized as professionals who can perform certain radiology procedures independently. On the other hand, the NAR is pushing for the bill to be amended to exclude radiographers from performing certain procedures, citing concerns about patient safety and the need for radiologists to oversee the imaging process.

It's essential to note that the debate surrounding the bill is not just about the roles and responsibilities of radiologists and radiographers but also about the broader issues of healthcare policy and the need for effective regulation in the sector.

If you have any specific questions or would like more information on this topic, please feel free to ask!