Nigerian police new uniform

The Nigerian Police Force (NPF) has undergone several uniform changes over the years. Here are some of the notable changes:

Old Uniform (Pre-2012)

The old uniform of the Nigerian Police Force was a dark blue shirt with a white collar and a dark blue trousers. The uniform was worn with a dark blue cap and a pair of black shoes. The rank insignia were worn on the sleeves and shoulders.

New Uniform (2012-2019)

In 2012, the NPF introduced a new uniform designed by the Nigerian Police Academy. The new uniform was a dark blue shirt with a white collar and a dark blue trousers, similar to the old uniform. However, the new uniform had some modifications, including:

Current Uniform (2019-Present)

In 2019, the NPF introduced a new uniform designed by the Nigerian Police Academy. The new uniform is a significant departure from the previous uniforms and features:

Rank Insignia

The rank insignia of the Nigerian Police Force are worn on the shoulders and sleeves of the uniform. The rank insignia are as follows:

It's worth noting that the Nigerian Police Force has a large number of personnel, and not all personnel may be wearing the same uniform or rank insignia. Additionally, the uniform and rank insignia may vary depending on the specific unit or department within the NPF.