Nigerian peace corps bill latest news

Here are the latest news updates on the Nigerian Peace Corps Bill:

Latest Development:

The Nigerian Peace Corps Bill has been passed by the Senate and is awaiting assent from President Muhammadu Buhari. The bill was passed on July 28, 2022, after a thorough debate and consideration by the Senate.


The Nigerian Peace Corps Bill was first introduced in 2013 by Senator Bukola Saraki, who was then the Senate President. The bill aimed to establish a peace corps agency in Nigeria, similar to the United States Peace Corps, to promote peace, security, and development in the country.

Key Provisions:

The bill, if signed into law, will establish the Nigerian Peace Corps as a federal agency responsible for:

  1. Promoting peace, security, and stability in Nigeria.
  2. Providing humanitarian assistance to victims of conflict and natural disasters.
  3. Engaging in community development projects, such as education, healthcare, and infrastructure development.
  4. Providing training and capacity-building programs for youth and women.
  5. Collaborating with international organizations and agencies to promote peace and development.


The establishment of the Nigerian Peace Corps is expected to bring several benefits, including:

  1. Improved security and stability in the country.
  2. Enhanced community development and social cohesion.
  3. Increased opportunities for youth and women empowerment.
  4. Strengthened international partnerships and cooperation.


Despite the passage of the bill, there are concerns about the funding and operationalization of the Nigerian Peace Corps. The agency will require significant funding to carry out its mandate, and there are concerns about the government's ability to provide adequate resources.

Next Steps:

The bill will now be sent to President Buhari for assent. If signed into law, the Nigerian Peace Corps will be established, and the agency will begin operations. The agency will require a minister, a director-general, and other staff to carry out its mandate.
