Nigerian news today 2019

Here are some of the top Nigerian news stories from 2019:


  1. Presidential Election: The 2019 Nigerian presidential election was held on February 16, 2019, with Muhammadu Buhari of the All Progressives Congress (APC) re-elected for a second term.
  2. National Assembly Crisis: A crisis rocked the National Assembly in 2019, with the Senate and House of Representatives at odds over the leadership of the two chambers.
  3. Governorship Elections: Governorship elections were held in several states in 2019, with some notable upsets, including the defeat of incumbent governors in Kano and Imo states.


  1. Naira Devaluation: The Nigerian currency, the naira, continued to depreciate in 2019, with the exchange rate reaching a record low of over 360 to the US dollar.
  2. Economic Recession: Nigeria's economy slipped into recession in 2016, but the country began to recover in 2017. However, the economy remained fragile in 2019, with growth rates remaining low.
  3. Fuel Subsidy Removal: The Nigerian government removed fuel subsidy in 2019, leading to a significant increase in the price of petrol.


  1. Banditry: Banditry and kidnapping remained major security challenges in Nigeria in 2019, with several high-profile cases, including the abduction of over 100 schoolgirls in Zamfara state.
  2. Insurgency: The Boko Haram insurgency continued to affect several states in Nigeria in 2019, with attacks on military bases and civilian targets.
  3. Police Brutality: There were several cases of police brutality in Nigeria in 2019, including the killing of a young man in Lagos state, which sparked widespread outrage.

Social Issues

  1. SARS Controversy: The Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS), a unit of the Nigerian Police Force, was accused of human rights abuses, including extrajudicial killings and torture.
  2. LGBTQ+ Rights: Nigeria's anti-gay law, which criminalizes same-sex relationships, was upheld by the country's Supreme Court in 2019.
  3. Education: The Nigerian education sector faced several challenges in 2019, including a strike by university lecturers and a shortage of teachers in public schools.


  1. AFCON: Nigeria's national football team, the Super Eagles, failed to win the 2019 Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON) title, losing to Algeria in the semifinals.
  2. Rugby: Nigeria's national rugby team, the Black Stallions, qualified for the 2019 Rugby World Cup in Japan, marking the country's debut at the tournament.

These are just a few of the top Nigerian news stories from 2019. If you're looking for more information on a specific topic, feel free to ask!