Nigerian navy pays host community back for hospitality

I think there may be a slight misunderstanding. The Nigerian Navy does not typically pay host communities back for hospitality. The Nigerian Navy is a branch of the Nigerian Armed Forces responsible for naval operations, and its primary focus is on national security, defense, and maritime law enforcement.

However, I can provide some context. In Nigeria, it is common for oil and gas companies, as well as other organizations, to provide compensation to host communities for the use of their land and resources. This is often referred to as "host community compensation" or "community development agreements."

In some cases, the Nigerian Navy may engage in community development projects or provide support to host communities as part of its social responsibility initiatives. For example, the Navy may provide medical care, education, or infrastructure development to communities near its bases or operational areas.

If you have any specific information or context about the Nigerian Navy paying host communities back for hospitality, I would be happy to help clarify or provide more information.