Nigerian navy latest recruitment news

Here are the latest recruitment news and updates from the Nigerian Navy:

Current Recruitment Exercise:

The Nigerian Navy has announced a recruitment exercise for the 2022/2023 batch. The recruitment is open to eligible Nigerians who meet the requirements. The application process is ongoing and interested candidates can apply online through the Nigerian Navy website.


To be eligible for the Nigerian Navy recruitment, candidates must meet the following requirements:

Available Positions:

The Nigerian Navy is recruiting for the following positions:

How to Apply:

To apply for the Nigerian Navy recruitment, candidates should follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Nigerian Navy website at [www.nigerian](http://www.nigerian
  2. Click on the "Recruitment" tab and select the position you are interested in
  3. Fill out the online application form and attach the required documents
  4. Submit the application form and wait for further instructions

Important Dates:

Contact Information:

For more information on the Nigerian Navy recruitment, candidates can contact the Nigerian Navy Recruitment Office at:


The Nigerian Navy recruitment is a competitive process, and only successful candidates will be contacted for further processing. Candidates are advised to be cautious of scams and fraudulent activities during the recruitment process.