Nigerian military has made enormous gains over iswap experts

I think there may be some misinformation or exaggeration here. While the Nigerian military has indeed made significant progress against the Islamic State in West Africa (ISWAP) and other terrorist groups, it's important to provide a balanced and accurate assessment of the situation.

ISWAP, a splinter group of Boko Haram, has been a major security challenge for Nigeria and the region. The group has been responsible for numerous attacks, kidnappings, and killings, and has been known to use brutal tactics to spread fear and terror.

While the Nigerian military has made some gains against ISWAP, the group is still active and continues to pose a significant threat. In recent years, the military has launched several operations against ISWAP, including Operation Lafiya Dole, which has resulted in the killing or capture of many ISWAP fighters.

However, ISWAP has also been able to adapt and evolve, using tactics such as ambushes, suicide bombings, and kidnappings to attack military and civilian targets. The group has also been able to maintain a presence in some areas, particularly in the Lake Chad region and the Sambisa Forest.

It's also important to note that the Nigerian military has faced challenges in its efforts to combat ISWAP, including corruption, inadequate equipment and training, and poor intelligence gathering. Additionally, the group has been able to exploit weaknesses in the military's supply chain and logistics, which has allowed them to maintain a presence in some areas.

In recent months, there have been reports of increased ISWAP activity, including attacks on military bases and convoys, as well as kidnappings and killings of civilians. The group has also been able to use social media and other online platforms to spread its message and recruit new members.

In conclusion, while the Nigerian military has made some progress against ISWAP, the group is still a significant threat and continues to pose a challenge to the country's security. It's important to provide accurate and balanced information about the situation, rather than exaggerating or downplaying the threat posed by ISWAP.