Nigerian legion news

The Nigerian Legion is a veterans' organization that represents the interests of Nigerian veterans of the Nigerian Armed Forces. Here are some recent news updates about the Nigerian Legion:

Latest News

  1. Nigerian Legion Commemorates 2023 Armed Forces Remembrance Day: The Nigerian Legion has announced plans to commemorate the 2023 Armed Forces Remembrance Day, which will be held on January 15, 2023. The event will feature a wreath-laying ceremony, a parade, and other activities to honor the sacrifices of Nigerian veterans.
  2. Nigerian Legion Calls for Improved Welfare of Veterans: The Nigerian Legion has called on the government to improve the welfare of Nigerian veterans, including providing them with adequate housing, healthcare, and education. The organization has also urged the government to increase the allocation of funds for veterans' welfare.
  3. Nigerian Legion Partners with NGOs to Support Veterans: The Nigerian Legion has partnered with several non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to provide support to Nigerian veterans. The partnership aims to provide assistance to veterans in areas such as healthcare, education, and employment.
  4. Nigerian Legion Urges Government to Address Veterans' Pension Arrears: The Nigerian Legion has urged the government to address the outstanding pension arrears owed to Nigerian veterans. The organization has called on the government to prioritize the payment of pension arrears to ensure that veterans receive the benefits they deserve.
  5. Nigerian Legion Celebrates 2022 International Day of Older Persons: The Nigerian Legion has celebrated the 2022 International Day of Older Persons, which was marked on October 1, 2022. The organization used the occasion to highlight the importance of recognizing the contributions of older persons, including Nigerian veterans.

Recent Events

  1. Nigerian Legion Holds Annual Conference: The Nigerian Legion held its annual conference in Abuja, Nigeria, in November 2022. The conference featured discussions on various issues affecting Nigerian veterans, including welfare, pension, and employment.
  2. Nigerian Legion Participates in Armed Forces Remembrance Day Parade: The Nigerian Legion participated in the Armed Forces Remembrance Day parade held in Abuja, Nigeria, on January 15, 2022. The parade was attended by senior military officers, government officials, and other dignitaries.
  3. Nigerian Legion Holds Veterans' Empowerment Program: The Nigerian Legion held a veterans' empowerment program in Lagos, Nigeria, in October 2022. The program aimed to provide training and support to Nigerian veterans in areas such as entrepreneurship, education, and employment.

Recent Statements

  1. Nigerian Legion Calls for Improved Security in Nigeria: The Nigerian Legion has called on the government to improve security in Nigeria, particularly in areas where veterans live. The organization has urged the government to provide adequate security measures to protect veterans and their families.
  2. Nigerian Legion Urges Government to Address Veterans' Healthcare Challenges: The Nigerian Legion has urged the government to address the healthcare challenges faced by Nigerian veterans. The organization has called on the government to provide adequate healthcare facilities and services to veterans.
  3. Nigerian Legion Calls for Increased Funding for Veterans' Welfare: The Nigerian Legion has called on the government to increase funding for veterans' welfare. The organization has urged the government to prioritize the welfare of Nigerian veterans and provide them with the support they need.

I hope this information is helpful. Let me know if you have any further questions!