Nigerian institute of architects news

Here are some recent news and updates from the Nigerian Institute of Architects (NIA):

Recent News

  1. NIA Celebrates World Architecture Day: The Nigerian Institute of Architects celebrated World Architecture Day on June 17, 2022, with a lecture and exhibition at the National Museum, Lagos. The theme was "Architecture for a Better World".
  2. NIA Elects New President: On June 25, 2022, the Nigerian Institute of Architects elected a new President, Mr. Olumide Osho, FNIA, at its Annual General Meeting in Lagos.
  3. NIA Partners with UN-Habitat: The Nigerian Institute of Architects has partnered with the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) to promote sustainable urban development and architecture in Nigeria.
  4. NIA Launches Architecture Competition: The Nigerian Institute of Architects launched an architecture competition for students and young architects, with the theme "Designing for a Sustainable Future".
  5. NIA Collaborates with Nigerian Government: The Nigerian Institute of Architects has collaborated with the Federal Ministry of Works and Housing to develop a national architecture policy for Nigeria.

Upcoming Events

  1. NIA Annual Conference: The Nigerian Institute of Architects will hold its Annual Conference in November 2022, with the theme "Architecture for a Better Nigeria".
  2. NIA International Conference: The Institute will also host an International Conference in 2023, with the theme "Architecture for a Sustainable Future".
  3. NIA Awards: The Nigerian Institute of Architects will hold its annual awards ceremony in 2023 to recognize outstanding contributions to architecture in Nigeria.

Recent Publications

  1. NIA Journal: The Nigerian Institute of Architects publishes a quarterly journal, which features articles on architecture, urban planning, and related topics.
  2. NIA Newsletter: The Institute also publishes a monthly newsletter, which keeps members and stakeholders informed about its activities and initiatives.

Recent Projects

  1. NIA's National Architecture Policy: The Nigerian Institute of Architects has developed a national architecture policy for Nigeria, which aims to promote sustainable architecture and urban development.
  2. NIA's Sustainable Architecture Initiative: The Institute has launched an initiative to promote sustainable architecture and reduce carbon emissions in Nigeria's built environment.
  3. NIA's Urban Planning Project: The Nigerian Institute of Architects has partnered with the Lagos State Government to develop a comprehensive urban planning project for the city of Lagos.

These are just a few examples of the news and updates from the Nigerian Institute of Architects. If you're interested in learning more, I recommend visiting the Institute's website or following them on social media.