Nigerian battery recyclers form waste management group in response to businessdays investigation

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Nigerian Battery Recyclers Form Waste Management Group in Response to BusinessDay Investigation

In the wake of a recent investigation by BusinessDay, a leading Nigerian business publication, a group of battery recyclers in Nigeria has come together to form a waste management group aimed at promoting sustainable practices in the industry.

The investigation, which was published in October, highlighted the alarming rate of battery waste in Nigeria, with millions of used batteries being dumped into the environment every year. The report also exposed the lack of regulation and enforcement in the industry, leading to environmental and health hazards for communities.

In response to the investigation, a group of battery recyclers, led by the Nigerian Battery Recycling Association (NBRA), has formed the Nigerian Waste Management Group (NWMG). The group aims to promote responsible waste management practices in the battery recycling industry, reduce environmental pollution, and provide a platform for stakeholders to share knowledge and best practices.

According to the NBRA, the NWMG will work with government agencies, environmental organizations, and other stakeholders to develop and implement effective waste management strategies for the battery recycling industry. The group will also provide training and capacity-building programs for battery recyclers, to ensure that they are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to manage waste sustainably.

"We are committed to promoting sustainable practices in the battery recycling industry, and we believe that the formation of the NWMG is a major step in the right direction," said the President of the NBRA, Mr. Olusegun Adeyemi. "We are working closely with government agencies and other stakeholders to develop policies and regulations that will ensure the safe and responsible management of battery waste in Nigeria."

The NWMG has already received support from several government agencies, including the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Solid Minerals Development, and the Nigerian Environmental Society. The group has also partnered with international organizations, such as the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), to access expertise and resources.

The formation of the NWMG is seen as a major breakthrough in the fight against environmental pollution in Nigeria. The group's efforts are expected to have a positive impact on the environment, public health, and the economy, and will help to promote sustainable development in the country.

In conclusion, the formation of the Nigerian Waste Management Group is a significant step towards promoting sustainable practices in the battery recycling industry in Nigeria. The group's efforts will help to reduce environmental pollution, promote public health, and support sustainable development in the country.