Nigerian army new salary structure

The Nigerian Army has recently introduced a new salary structure for its personnel. The new structure is designed to improve the welfare of soldiers and make their salaries more competitive with those in other branches of the military and in the private sector.

Here is a breakdown of the new salary structure for Nigerian Army personnel:

Rank and Grade Structure:

The Nigerian Army has a rank and grade structure that is used to determine the salary of its personnel. The ranks are as follows:

  1. Officer Cadet (OCdt)
  2. Second Lieutenant (2Lt)
  3. Lieutenant (Lt)
  4. Captain (Capt)
  5. Major (Maj)
  6. Lieutenant Colonel (Lt Col)
  7. Colonel (Col)
  8. Brigadier General (BGen)
  9. Major General (Maj Gen)
  10. Lieutenant General (Lt Gen)
  11. General (Gen)

Salary Structure:

The new salary structure for Nigerian Army personnel is as follows:

  1. Officer Cadet (OCdt): N150,000 - N200,000 per month
  2. Second Lieutenant (2Lt): N250,000 - N350,000 per month
  3. Lieutenant (Lt): N350,000 - N450,000 per month
  4. Captain (Capt): N450,000 - N550,000 per month
  5. Major (Maj): N550,000 - N650,000 per month
  6. Lieutenant Colonel (Lt Col): N650,000 - N750,000 per month
  7. Colonel (Col): N750,000 - N850,000 per month
  8. Brigadier General (BGen): N850,000 - N950,000 per month
  9. Major General (Maj Gen): N950,000 - N1,050,000 per month
  10. Lieutenant General (Lt Gen): N1,050,000 - N1,150,000 per month
  11. General (Gen): N1,150,000 - N1,250,000 per month


In addition to their basic salary, Nigerian Army personnel also receive various allowances, including:

  1. Hazardous Duty Allowance: N50,000 - N100,000 per month
  2. Operational Allowance: N20,000 - N50,000 per month
  3. Duty Tour Allowance: N10,000 - N20,000 per month
  4. Uniform Allowance: N5,000 - N10,000 per month
  5. Subsistence Allowance: N5,000 - N10,000 per month

Total Salary:

The total salary for Nigerian Army personnel is the sum of their basic salary and allowances. For example, a Captain (Capt) with a basic salary of N450,000 per month and allowances of N100,000 per month would have a total salary of N550,000 per month.

It's worth noting that these figures are subject to change and may not reflect the actual salaries of Nigerian Army personnel. Additionally, the salaries of Nigerian Army personnel may vary depending on their location, rank, and other factors.